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Modern Slavery policy

Modern Slavery
Our Business
This statement is made on behalf of Lycamobile UK Limited (“Company”) pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (‘”Act”) and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ended 5 April 2022.

Our business is a private limited company formed under the laws of England and Wales with company registration number 05903820. The business provides mobile telecommunication services to individual clients based in the United Kingdom and internationally.

We operate from offices in London with 72 of employees. Our annual turnover exceeds the threshold under the Act and we have implemented a modern slavery policy to comply with our legal requirements.

We are affiliated with a number of different entities in the UK and internationally who are expected to adhere to our policy and standards on preventing modern slavery. A full list of our affiliates is available on our website (may list all entities with employees but note entities are affiliates by law.

The Company has a zero-tolerance approach towards any form of modern slavery. We are committed to ensuring that modern slavery does not take place within our business or supply chain and that we, and we work with selected suppliers, who act with integrity and professionalism as regards modern slavery.

Policy & procedures
Having assessed the risk of modern slavery or human trafficking in our organisation and businesses or supply chains the risk is low. Our supplieers include supplies of IT software, hardware, office cleaning and other facilities such as management provides, catering, transport, office,stationary, equipment and professional services such as legal counsel, accountants, banking, insurance professionals and recruitment agencies. We have taken a risk-based approach to monitor our businesses and suppliers which allows us to allocate resources appropriately and efficiently. As part of our ongoing risk assessment each supplier or vendor we work with are risk assesses and require a management approval prior to execution.

The Company’s senior management has overall responsibility for ensuring that our Policy complies with our legal and ethical obligations. Day-to-day implementation is managed by the Director Prem/Chris who has responsibility for implementing our Policy in this area as well as monitoring its use and effectiveness.

As part of the on boarding of new suppliers we may request further information on the modern slavery procedures in place at these organisations. This will vary depending on the level of risk presented and the type of organisation.

Employees are also encouraged to report any concerns.

We believe the most effective way for us to prevent modern slavery from occurring in any part of our business is through the training and education of our employees. It is our intention during the coming year to include training and awareness programs targeted at those employees who are most likely to be involved in the procurement of products and services. This training will increase awareness of the implications of modern slavery, our obligations under the Act and our commitment to fair employment practices.

Looking ahead we will continue to review and monitor the impact of our procedures, policy and training to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking does not take place within our oganisation and that all suppliers abide by our ethical standards.